Why You'll Love the Persian Gulf, Middle East Map
Your students can learn history and geography on this large map devoted to the Persian Gulf region.
Interesting topics including the natural resource most prevalent and why the dromedary camel is important to the area.
Each map has loads of fun activities for students to gain a deep understanding of the Persian Gulf and Middle East, including locating, labeling and shading borders, bodies of water, capitals, rivers, deserts, mountains, and more!
Map Features
When you purchase this map you will receive links to download the free bonuses listed below. These are digital files that you can download and begin using immediately.

Bonus #1:
Step-by-Step Mapping - Persian Gulf, Middle East
Step-by-Step Mapping is a high-resolution digital file meant for projecting on a whiteboard or viewing on a computer. The activity map is shown in 4-6 stages of completion. A great way to add your own customizations when projecting on a whiteboard!

Bonus #2:
CartoCraze - Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
You will receive the Tigris and Euphrates rivers downloadable workshop (part of our CartoCraze membership.) In this workshop, students explore the rivers in detail with loads of fun activities, learning resources, and extra printables.
From Blank to Beautiful

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